Psychosocial Recovery Coaching Under NDIS: A Complete Guide

psychosocial recovery coaching


A psychological disability can cause serious problems in day-to-day living. These challenges can impact everything like social interaction, independent living and managing mental health. Fortunately, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) offers a valuable support option: Psychosocial Recovery Coaching.

This guide dives deep into recovery coaching under NDIS, explaining what it is and how it works.

What is Psychosocial Recovery Coaching

Psychosocial recovery coaching is an NDIS support designed for individuals with psychosocial disabilities. The goal of this support is capacity building of participants, to enhance their social and economic participation and independence. 

Recovery coaches will assist these individuals in managing the complexities related to their condition by focusing on recovery and personal growth. Mental health knowledge and experience of the recovery coach allow them to work collaboratively with participants, their families, and caretakers to create and implement recovery plans with coordination of NDIS support. Participants can select a recovery coach with lived experience or a recovery coach with learnt knowledge of psychosocial disability and mental health. 

What does a Recovery Coach do

A recovery coach is an NDIS-funded worker who has mental health knowledge and experience, either with lived experience or with learned experience. A recovery coach will:

  • spend time with you, and people important to you, to get to know you and understand your needs

  • Build a recovery-enabling relationship that helps participants feel empowered and motivated in recovery

  • Help and support with creating a recovery plan

  • Coach participants to increase their recovery skills and help capacity-building

  • Help you better understand the NDIS and support you with the NDIS

  • Help you find out about different services and supports, and how these can help you

  • Help you get support from mental health service

  • Assist with plan implementation

How to access Psychosocial Recovery Coaching in NDIS

You need to have funding allocated in your NDIS plan to access psychosocial recovery coaching. To include this support in your NDIS, you can:

  • Discuss your needs with your NDIS planner during the planning meeting.

  • Request funding for psychosocial recovery coaching.

  • Choose a recovery coach that aligns with your goals and values.

  • If you already have an NDIS plan, you can request a plan review to include funding for a psychosocial recovery coach.

Finding a Recovery Coach

Once your plan includes funding for psychosocial recovery coaching, you can choose a recovery coach. When seeking a recovery coach for psychosocial support, it’s crucial to prioritize qualifications and experience in the mental health field. Look for coaches who possess relevant certifications and have a track record of assisting individuals with similar challenges. Consider getting referrals from valuable resources when selecting a coach, as recommendations from NDIS support coordinators, NDIS participants, or mental health professionals for choosing someone best suited to meet your unique needs.

A skilled recovery coach can provide valuable guidance and support in your quest for well-being in your mind. Connect with the community that is composed of NDIS resources and mental health professionals to find a coach who is not just a guide, but also helps create an environment that promotes growth and healing in your journey towards psychosocial recovery.

At Ayurclinic Care and Health, a registered NDIS provider Melbourne offer expert assistance to individuals who in search for psychosocial social recovery support. Our team of professionals is dedicated to help you in every step of your NDIS journey.


  1. Do I need a lived experience coach, or will someone with learned experience work?

The choice is yours! Here’s a breakdown:

Lived experience coach: Has personal experience with a psychosocial disability. They can offer empathy and understanding based on shared experiences.

Learned experience coach: Possesses extensive knowledge and training in mental health and psychosocial disabilities. They may have a more theoretical approach.

  1. What if I don’t feel comfortable with the first recovery coach I meet?

It’s important to feel comfortable with your coach. Most services allow you to meet with different coaches before choosing one. Discuss this with the service provider.

  1. How long will I need recovery coaching?

The duration depends on your goals and progress. Some people benefit from short-term coaching, while others require ongoing support. Discuss this with your recovery coach.

  1. How do I find a good recovery coach in my area?

Get in touch with the NDIS LOC (LAC) and planner to get recommendations. You can also look up directories online of providers registered with NDIS.


The NDIS’s Psychosocial Recovery Coach program is a valuable source for people suffering from psychosocial disabilities. With the support of the recovery coaches they can effectively manage their disabilities, gain autonomy, and reach the goals they have set for themselves. If you’re a participant in NDIS program and searching for help and direction on your journey to recovery participating with a recovery coach could be beneficial. Take advantage of this opportunity to take control of your mental and physical well-being with the help of skilled professionals who will help you through every step of the way. 

Take control of your recovery, and let’s begin this journey together. Contact us to know more about NDIS and about psychosocial recovery coaching. We’re here to assist you on your NDIS journey.

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